This means you will have to choose a location every time. WhatsApp for PC doesn’t have a setting where you can set a default folder specifically for downloads. As for images, you can store it in the pictures folder or the camera roll.
For instance, if you have a folder for all Word documents, you can save the document in the same location. You can choose to create a folder dedicated for downloaded WhatsApp photos and documents, or save them according to your preference, or how you organized your files. This will bring up the file manager on your PC where you get to choose which folder to save media files. This will open another window where you will find an arrow pointing downward, which indicates a download function. Click on the image or document you want to download. How to save WhatsApp media files from WhatsApp for Windows: 1. Connect your phone to your computer via USB, and then transfer files like you would any other media files from your phone to your PC. Save the files in a cloud storage, such as Dropbox, and then download to your PC. Send the photo or document that you want to transfer via e-mail or Bluetooth, and then download as attachment, or search in the folder where all Bluetooth files are saved. Following are the steps posted by Neurogadget to save WhatsApp media files to your PC: 1.