This way you can have some fun while earning extra money. If you have your own channel about gaming, you can record your gameplay and then upload it to your channel for everyone to watch. PCSX2 Emulator supports game recording in full HD quality. It offers a high compatibility so a large number of PlayStation 2 games can be played with the aid of the emulator. Even before Dolphin–another popular emulator–was released, it has been around. PCSX2 Emulator has existed for over two decades. It provides an easier access to the old but super fun games on your PC by mimicking the console’s hardware.
PlayStation 2 gamers should be thankful that a software like PCSX2 Emulator exists. It is no longer produced now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play those classic games anymore. By the end of 2012, Playstation 2 had been sold over 155 million units, which was a huge success for the console.